English creaking teeth
To all greetings prompt where we in Novosibirsk have good school on studying English77
Where in Novosibirsk a good school of English... :а\?:. 7777. it is a question.. 1

I've been learning English for four years in "Inotext". I think it is a good school. But I can't be sure cause I have not been in others.
I've heard some not good things about "Benedict School".
What about "Я"? Has anybody studied there?
Do you mean language school or secondary school?
I meant a language school.
I've been learning English for four years in "Inotext". I think it is a good school. But I can't be sure cause I have not been in others.
I've heard some not good things about "Benedict School".
What about "Я"? Has anybody studied there?
I"ve heard a lot of good things about "Labaton".
There are a lot of good learning programs, esp. for adults.
Yes I speak about language school.